Why Pilates Mat?
The basis of Pilates teacher training starts with a thorough understanding of the Foundation workbook and applying the lessons learned to begin the introduction to Pilates Mat. Every exercise lesson you learn in the Mat workbook is applicable to every Pilates exercise on the equipment that is taught to you. By embracing the mat exercises and practicing them throughout your Pilates career, your fitness level can increase as your expertise as a Pilates Teacher is enhanced. PCI added the small apparatus section to enhance your mat training tool box of choices that can make the individual and group class teaching experience even more interesting and fun!
The career choices of a Pilates mat teacher can open up many employment opportunities from fitness clubs, home studios, cruise ships, resorts and post rehab centers. Unlike equipment training a mat class could have 5 to 25 clients, so it is best to really study, practice and review your curriculum!
Always remember, with a mat, clean environment and solid education you can practice or teach a Pilates mat session just about anywhere.
Pilates Career Institute combines Pilates mat exercises with small apparatus including Magic Circles, Fitness Balls and more to bring a complete and thorough educational experience in teaching Pilates.
Pilates Career Institute presents its Pilates Mat and Small Apparatus training in the following format:
- Mat and Small Apparatus wear and care
- Pilates Mat exercises
- Contraindications, Modifications and Precautions
- Diverse sequential exercise choice group class training
- Student Teaching Hours and Self Practice
- 50 Question Multiple Choice Test
A few well designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.
– Joseph H Pilates